This report has the power to be a game changer in the sector and the investment world. We now need conviction, leadership, and strong appetite for risk on the journey of tackling racial inequality and a process moving towards reparative justice and liberation. – Professor Patrick Vernon OBE
Report: Racial Justice and Social Transformation: How funders can act
Racial Justice and Social Transformation: How Funders Can Act is a report which we are proud to share with all those interested in advancing racial justice in the UK. It is a report which seeks to inject ambition into the British funding landscape and create a clear roadmap for action.
The report represents a place where we hope to clarify some of the best practices needed to make racial justice a reality and racial injustice a thing of the past. We turn our heads to the past, present and future, seeing that, for many of the conversations we are having today, the past is extremely important in making visible the racist and disempowering notions and foundations of practices and understanding still used today. We review how both sides of the coin need to be addressed and understood to engage in racial justice work to the best of our ability. Such a multifaceted approach requires, in our eyes, a focus on the grantmaking endeavours of trusts and foundations in the UK, their investment strategies and the internal operations and governance of charitable funding organisations. Without applying a racial justice lens to all of these deeply important areas we believe we will not be able to achieve wholesale transformational change and instead will be committing to action, which plays within the confines of the current structurally racist system.
We centre joy and innovation in this report to inspire change. A change that is only possible through the ceding of power to communities of colour and changemakers of colour doing the work.
If you’re a foundation looking to start or develop your journey on addressing racial injustice and would like to discuss your options, or if you have comments or queries about the report, we’d love to hear from you! Please send us a message using the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.