We create learning experiences for donors and foundations to interrogate their wealth, unlearn harmful practices and develop holistic, equitable and reparative approach to philanthropy.
We guide our clients through a process of honest reflection and radical action to help them shift from a mindset of preservation to one of redistribution.

A Common Project
We deliver an 18-month+ programme comprising a learning journey, bespoke educational programming, research, coaching, narrative building, and fund development.

Learning Journey
We provide 3-month investment or 7-month learning journeys comprising radical listening to communities, expert meetings, workshops, and deep community insights. We have worked with Big Change, Thirty Percy, Mission 44 and Ellis Campbell Foundation, among many others.

Education Programmes
We support donors, grant-makers, and social investors on all levels to use their power to advance transformational change through our Grant Givers’ Programme, master classes, talks, and workshops. We cover such issues as regenerative resourcing, African Diaspora giving, reparative climate justice, grant-making through a race equity lens, power and privilege, facilitated by our amazing speakers.

Research & Advocacy
We explore areas of gross under-investment in philanthropy through our ‘How funders can act’ research series, which increases funders’ knowledge and giving in these fields. We have so far tackled racial injustice, climate change and board diversity.
Our Reports