Research and Advocacy
We explore areas of gross under-investment in philanthropy through our ‘How funders can act’ research series, which increases funders’ knowledge and giving in these fields.

Racial Justice & Social Transformation: How funders can act
This report focuses equally on both support that first-time trustees from diverse backgrounds often require, alongside changes that trusts, foundations and charities need to make in order to develop culturally more inclusive board environments.

Climate Change & Social Change: How funders can act on both
This report is a must-read for any funder that wants to do more to address the climate emergency and wants to know where to start. It features practical ideas for how to use your grant giving, investments and convening power to address climate change today, even if it’s not your organisation’s core purpose.

Missed Expertise: Mapping experiences of first time trustees
This report focuses equally on both support that first-time trustees from diverse backgrounds often require, alongside changes that trusts, foundations and charities need to make in order to develop culturally more inclusive board environments.